How we work
The working process is project-specific but there are few following pillars that are common to all my projects.
current situation, options, risks, plans
connection of different teams
overview / order / lessons learnt
alignment with stakeholders
Our past projects
Here is a small sample of projects I was involved with in the past.
Interested in hiring us?
Let’s meet and talk about your project and how I can help.
Pavla Novotná (Allegorise)
Office: Jaselská 245/22,
160 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic
Email: [email protected]
IČO: 76191133
Evidováno u Živnostenského úřadu Praha 4:
Fyzická osoba zapsaná v Živnostenském rejstříku od 02.09.2010.
Evidenční údaje ŽL: č.j. P4/123204/16/OŽ/FEJ, SZ P4/122808/16,